April 28, 2011

After Sunset..

Last Sunset..

So, today is the last day I'm writing this blog.. Since this is a travel blog, there's no point to keep on writing after coming back home. Well, I'm at home now and I'm writing, but I just wanted to let everyone know there won't be more texts. It has been nice to write this blog and even nicer to go through all the things I've been writing about. I enjoyed (almost) every moment of these holidays and I would love to visit KhaoLak again.. Hope one day I can..:)

Yesterday I was way too tired to write anything.. The bus came to take us from hotel at 4:15.. in the morning. We thought it would come at 3am, so we woke up at 2 and went to the reception at 2:45. There we had breakfast.. We both got boxes with a sandwich, a banana, a mandarin.. and milk.:D Then the bus came and we drove to the airport.. By the way, the bus was kind of high, much higher than buses in Finland. Maybe like those in England, but with on floor.;o At the airport we had to wait..and wait..and wait.. and after all the waiting, and lil bit of shopping, we finally got into the plane. I'm not sure it's something to be happy about.. It's not so great to sit in the plane for 13 hours. This time the travel lasted longer, because we had to land in Sweden (Arlanda airport in Stockholm) first, even though we first flew almost over Helsinki. I don't understand what's the point of that.. Anyways, we stayed in Stockholm for one hour, not getting out of the plane while waiting.. Luckily it didn't take more than 45minutes to arrive in Finland, I mean from Sweden.^^ But after the flight, we had to continue our travel buy car.. An hour and half to reach home. Then it was time to give all the souvenirs to the family.. To go to sauna.. I kind of missed it after two weeks not going there.:D And when I finally went to sleep after midnight, I was feeling really strange, like drunk, because I was soooo tired. Anyways, this morning I woke up at 8 o'clock, because I had to go to school to get some papers that I should send to some universities..:P

However.. I would like to thank everyone reading this blog. I know it's maybe lil bit boring, but I'm glad if you read it anyways.:D Thanks to all the super nice people in Thailand also, from you I got lots of good memories, a new attitude towards life and people.. and a big smile on my face.:) And..last but not least.. Thanks to my Mom, who took me for this trip, I could never had a better present.. I will always remember this travel, because memories are something no one can take away from me.. Thailand, I'll be back!:D Thank you!

April 26, 2011

Day Sixteen - The Sunset

As the name of this blog is Thai Sunrise, I think it's a good way to finish with a sunset.. I can't believe it's the last day of our holidays already, time has been flying..;o

Today I've been taking thousands (at least almost) pictures and telling silent goodbyes to everyone and everything here.. KhaoLak, our hotel KhaoLak Resort, all the people here, nice weather and hotness, the sea (Andaman Sea), lizards, crabs, monkeys, elephants, birds, fishes..also jellyfishes.xP Trees.. Flowers.. My new friends.. I will miss them all, and many other things too.. :( This place feels like home already, I don't know why, it never happened on our earlier travels..

Of course I'm also happy to go home.. To see my family.. My boyfriend.. :) To sleep in my own bed.. To feel cold again and see people who are not smiling.. xP Eheh.. Now it's easier to tell about the things I will miss after leaving, than the things I've missed while being here.. :D

Anyways, I think I'll still write something when we're back in Finland, just to finish this blog.. Now it's time to go to sleep, even though it's only 8 o'clock.. We have to wake up at 2am.^^' So.. Goodnite!:)

April 25, 2011

Day Fifteen - Getting ready for leaving

First, I don't have much time to write.. ^^'
Anyways.. Today it was the last day we were going to the city center.. Tomorrow we won't have time, because we have to pack and go to sleep early.. I don't want to tell goodbyes yet, even though I'm homesick too.. :/
But at least I've got some new friends here.. Not only animals.xD
Hmm.. I think I'll tell more tomorrow, hope it's fine for whoever is reading this.:D

April 23, 2011

Day Thirteen – And Day Twelve

Hmm.. It seems like I'm always skipping days, I mean about writing this blog. :D
Yesterday I can explain by telling it was really bad weather in the afternoon and we came back to hotel quite late.. Due to some problems I can't talk about.. Or even think. But let's forget that.^^
Yesterday in the afternoon, before it started raining, we visited the hotel where Mom was staying last year.. I can't describe it, it was so.. luxurious. Maybe too much. I prefer this hotel.;) Anyways, we spent there couple of hours and then came back to hotel to wait for the rain to end..
In the evening we went to the city center, once again, walked there, talked to some people and they invited us to their restaurant.. So we had dinner and couple of beers there and came back to hotel.. And that's where the problems started.. Whatever happened is a secret. xP After all we went to sleep.. at midnight.^^'

This morning, after breakfast, I went alone to the city center to change some money.. Got also the internet card on the way coming back.. After that I went to the pool, Mom was waiting for me there.. But then it started raining, so we had to come to our room. When the rain finished, we.. Can you guess what we did? Went to the city center, of course!xD There we bought something to drink tomorrow and had “dinner” (at 5pm) in one of our favourite restaurants.. Viking. :) Tomorrow I think we're going to Phukhaolak Restaurant.. And the day after again to Viking.:D Because on Tuesday we're not going to city center anymore, because we have to pack and get ready for leaving..:(

I'll try to write something tomorrow..:D

April 21, 2011

Day Eleven - SevenEleven

Hehe.. SevenEleven is name of one grocery store here in Thailand.. and that kind of stores are everywhere.. Don't know why I had to put it on the title, I just didn't have any other idea. :D

Today was an ordinary day.. As ordinary as it can be here. Waking up at 7:30, shower, breakfast, beach, pool, little lunch at the pool bar, shower again, "siesta" in our room, going to city center, having some banana pancakes & lemonade, calling home, walking back to hotel, showe AGAIN, watching tv, writing blog.. xD

Oh, I also saved a baby lizard in our bathroom and took it out.. somehow mom got it on her foot and started screaming and I'm sure she could make it little bit flatter too if I didn't take it out.. ^^ Hope tomorrow I have something more to tell.. Cya!:D

April 20, 2011

Day Ten – Under the Thai Sun

Today's been a very nice day.. We've been relaxing and sunbathing as always.. But we also went to take my dress from the tailor, finally. I love it! Couldn't get better dress in Finland, this one is perfect!:) Here's a picture too (didn't want to take a picture of the dress on me, because I'm so red)..

This time we were back to hotel early, at 8 o'clock. Usually we don't have dinner so early, because it's so hot when the sun is still there.. It's little bit ”colder” when it's dark. Today we had dinner at Phukeolak Restaurant, it's Mom's favourite, because she has been there also last year and she knows all the waiters. Today also the owner of the restaurant came to greet us when we were leaving. :) After dinner we had time to have drinks in our hotel's pool restaurant and show the people there some photos of Finnish winter.:D

Now we're watching tv, even though we don't understand a thing.xD I'll write more tomorrow. :)

April 19, 2011

Day Nine - The Elephant Camp..

First, sorry for skipping day eight, there was nothing to tell, only same things we do every day.. Except booking an elephant ride for today. :D

So, today we woke up at seven, went for breakfast and a taxi and a guide were waiting for us at 8:40. The guide's name was Tiger, or so did he tell. He took us to the Elephant Camp.. A Finnish guide told before that they're treating elephants in bad way there.. But we didn't know we're going there, I mean when we booked the tour, and when we got there, it was too late to say we don't want to go in that place, because we paid already.. So, we went there, climbed on the elephant and tried to stay there for an hour. Never tried it before, but now it's done. After the ride we bought some bananas to feed the elephant, wish I had some more bananas. :D Oh, there was a king cobra, too!;o

From the Elephant Camp we drove to a waterfall, to take some pictures.. And the guide put a lizard on my hand. ö_ö Nice.. Mom was screaming like a baby, even though it was on MY hand.xD Then we went to see the police boat that tsunami took to the inland.. And after all we came back to the hotel to swim and relax.. Later in the afternoon we went to check my dress at the tailor, it wasn't finished yet, but tomorrow it will be, I hope.:D Now I should go to sleep, to have all the strange dreams I had lately, about Hogwarts, some witches, Berlusconi.. eww.. I wish I could dream about something different.. Anyways, goodnite for now! :)

April 17, 2011

Day Seven – Massage, very good price :D

Today it's our 7th day in Khaolak, which means we have 10 more days.. It's really nice to be here, this place is almost like my own personal paradise.. I'm telling ”almost” because something's missing.. Everything would be just perfect, if I had all my loved ones here.. My boyfriend, family, friends.. I know it's selfish to wish they're all here, maybe some of them wouldn't like to be here.:D I don't know who wouldn't, because it's nice, warm and beautiful, people are so nice too and everything's so.. amazing.:) Maybe it's the moon making me mad, it seems like it's fullmoon out there.. Is it?xP

Today, after breakfast and couple of hours of sunbathing, we were walking on the beach, but not swimming because of the huge waves.. Anyways, there we saw a little Thai Massage place (they're everywhere) and decided to finally try it.. It lasted an hour and cost about 7 euros, which is super cheap for a full body massage.. First I thought I can't stay there for one hour, but it really didn't feel so long time.. And the feeling after it was something I can't explain.. I felt I could fly.:D

At five o'clock we headed to the city center to a tailor who's making me a dress for my party (for finally finishing high school), I had to try the dress so he can be sure it fits.. It will be ready on Tuesday, then I'll take a picture of it and upload it here. :)

Now I have to stop writing, there's something wrong with my eyes, I can't see a word. ö.Ö Hope to see something tomorrow.:D I'm sorry for any mistakes, I can't see anything..

April 16, 2011

Day Six – Wait, where's the Day Five?

If you've been reading this blog, you may have noticed that yesterday I didn't write anything.. And the reason for that is little bit embarrassing.. We were in the city center as always, walking around and having dinner etc.. Then Mom had a great idea to order some kind of cocktails for us.. I didn't want to, because alcohol and I.. We're not such a great couple.^^' Anyways I finished my drink and we started to walk back to hotel.. Then Mom saw a little bar or pub or whatever and told that we absolutely have to go there to get another drinks.. I wanted to come to hotel to write this blog, because I thought later it wouldn't be possible.. Anyways, when mom decides something...:P So, we went to that little bar, that was by the way outside, and had those drinks.. even though I asked for water.. And when we were finally at the hotel area, there was a pool bar and we had to go there for beer.. Usually I don't get drunk so easilly, but now, when we reached our room, I was ready to go to bed (to feel really bad in the morning, but I'd rather not talk about it).. Also because we were too late and I couldn't talk with my boyfriend.:/

About him, or about me and my boyfriend, I should tell something.. Today it's 16th of April, which means that it's our monthversary (yes, it's very important day :D), we have been together for a year and six months.. I wish we could celebrate together, but unfortunately it's not possible, because I'm here in Thailand, so quite far from him.. And he's working, so we can't even talk today.. Anyways he's all the time on my mind..:) Today I made something for him on the beach.. Here's a picture..

About today I don't have that much to tell, because it's still early and as always, we've been just relaxing.. Of course. But maybe tomorrow I'll write about.. I don't know yet, I should see what will happen later today. :D

April 14, 2011

Day Four – Songkran continues

Today we've been here only four days, but it feels much longer.. I've already got used to the time difference.. and I'm missing my family.. friends.. and of course my boyfriend.. Wish they were all here.*_*

About this morning and afternoon I don't have that much to tell.. Only sunbathing, sunbathing and sunbathing..And the result is red skin.:D But in the evening we walked to the city center, once again, to find something to eat.. In a restaurant, of course, we didnt go for hunting.xD But while we were trying to find a nice restaurant, we saw a kind of aquarium full of little fishes.. They were called Doctor fishes, because.. I cant tell it or I start to feel ticklish.. We put our feet in that ”aquarium” and stayed like that for 20 minutes.. For that time the doctors were eating all the dead skin, to make the feet all soft and smooth.. But it really tickles!:D

Could you put your feet there?:D

After the foot massage we had dinner in a nice restaurant and walked back to our hotel.. Then we took our kites..or lanterns, whatever you want to call them.. and went to the beach. There all we had to do was to light a fire under them, so they'd fly like some hot air balloons.. It was part of the new year party at our hotel (that we didn't join because we were at the city center).. even though we were the only ones lighting the lanterns, it was beautiful.:)

Make a wish.. :)

I wanted to publish this yesterday but I couldn't, because there were some problems with the connection.. Btw I didn't take these photos..

April 13, 2011

Day Three - Happy New Year!

Today I couldn't take so many pictures for this blog, because from today till maybe 15th or 16th there's a new year party, Songkran (not sure about how to spell it) that literally means ”water fiest” or something like that.. People are throwing water on everyone, to be clean for the new year.. here they're celebrating new year three times per year, but the year is changing only in January.. Anyways here they're a way beyond us, I mean with the time, here it's year 2554, so coming here is almost like time travelling. :D

There's not much to tell about today, since it's only 3 in the afternoon and we've been just swimming and sunbathing, but something really ”nice” happened to me anyways..
After breakfast we decided to go to walk on the beach.. then we thought it would be nice to swim a little bit, too, so we walked into the sea.. We stayed there maybe for 10 minutes, when I felt pain on my right leg.. Or it was more like burning.. Of course I knew immediately what it was, even though I couldn't see anything.. And this time I'm not going to call it my friend.. I'm not that much into jellyfishes.xP Now my leg is not burning anymore, thanks to a medicine & some lemon stuff I got from a waiter to put on my leg, but I still have a harry-potter-like sign on my leg.. Very ”cool”. :D
I think I'm not going to go for that diving trip, even though it would be really nice to go there, to see what's happening under the sea.. I just don't want to meet any other jellyfish.. and it's also kind of expensive, over 150 euros, that trip.. So maybe I'll just go to ride an elephant, that would be awesome as well. :)

Now we should walk to the city center again, to buy some water to drink and to see the real Songkran. It's going to be a wet day! Hahah.. x)

April 12, 2011

Day Two - Spicy Welcome Toast

Another day behind! All I can say is.. What a day! Even though I start getting used to being here.:)
But I can still feel the time difference.. This morning I woke up at 5am local time and felt completely awake.. It took maybe an hour to fall asleep, just to wake up again at 8 o'clock, feeling more tired. And, as I'm not really a morning person, it was quite hard to decide what to have for breakfast, since there were a lot of things to choose.. Bacon.. Eggs.. Fruits.. Yoghurt.. Toasts.. Etc.:D
After breakfast we walked to the city center again, for a some kind of welcome/info thing (there weren't so many people with us, actually just 2 other tourists), where they were telling some things that are good to know when staying in Thailand.. For example, here people are very optimistic and always smiling, and even if they don't understand what you're telling them, they're just smiling and telling ”yes, yes”.. I've noticed that.:D After the info we were taken to a hotel (not ours) to try diving in a swimming pool.. with masks, oxygen bottles and everything.. It was super cool and I really want to try it in the ocean. *_* No pictures of the diving lesson, because I'm too white.:D

When the diving school finished, we came back to hotel.. after buying some water & another internet card. ^^ Then it was a perfect moment for sunbathing.. Till it started to rain again.. Which was as soon as we got to the pool.. Nice.:D Then we just came back to our room and I started taking pictures on our balcony.. when I heard a loud ”MIAUUU” under our bungalow.. There was my new friend, who still doesn't have a name.. any ideas?:3
Miauuu! I need a name!:3

After the ”rain siesta” we went for a walk on the beach.. And saw some houses destroyed by tsunami.. It made me kind of sad..
A house after tsunami.. :(

And, before I even noticed, it was dinner time.. We went to our hotel's restaurant and took some chicken with curry.. and it was SUPER spicy!:o Now we're in our room again.. Soon going to sleep.. I'll write more tomorrow. Greetings from Mr.Gekko, too. :D

The opposite of my blog's name.. Thai sunset. :)

April 11, 2011

Day One – Flying Vampires

Our plane
If you're reading this, I've probably got a chance to use the wireless connection of our hotel..
Of course I have, how else could I post this?

Well, first it seemed like there's no connection at all in our room.. or in our bungalow (cause that's what it is.) Then, when I had already lost my hope, we found a place to buy a card to use hotel's connection on my laptop.. Well, it's not free.  The longer you use it, the more you pay.. Of course. ^^

So, my plan is this: First I'm writing whatever I want to say, for example on Word.. And only after that I'll turn on the connection and copy-paste everything on the blog. :D

And why did I write ”flying vampires”? Because I woke up yesterday at 9am Finnish time.. Then waited at the airport till 14:45.. In a great lounge, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm completely gone.:D And  it took 10 hours to get here in Thailand.. Plus one hour and a half in a bus coming to the hotel.. And when we finally arrived, I noticed that my eyes were completely red (that's explains the word ”vampire”) and thought it will pass with couple of hours of sleep..

But I didn't have time for those hours of sleep, neither minutes. Instead we went to walk around, to greet the sun and swim a little bit.. Then we had just a little break in our room before walking to Khao Lak city center, which is about one kilometer from here.. And since it was one o'clock in the afternoon, it was probably the hottest time of the day..

In a way or another we finally arrived to the city center.. I was kind of starving and I thought we'd go for lunch.. But instead we went in some kind of Beauty Saloon and.. here's the result.. 

Who is who?:D
After that we finally headed to a restaurant to have fried noodles with chicken.. and a strawberry shake.:D

After lunch we almost ran back to our bungalow, because it was going to rain.. And when it rains, it REALLY rains. And because of thunder I couldn't use my laptop before.. Now it's barely evening and I think soon I'm going to sleep, even though I took a nap already.. I'm just so tired.:P

Ps: Also my number decided not to work here, so I can only use my other number.. and it's credit is about one euro or something.. Not going to send so many sms to my boyfriend with that, since one sms costs one euro. -.-

Pps: Means that I forgot to tell something else too.. Today I made a new friend.. His name is Mr.Gekko & he likes to spend time in our bathroom.:D 
Mr. Gekko, my new friend.x3

April 10, 2011

So near but yet so far..

Hello people!

I just had the most terrible night in my life! Okay, maybe not the worst but anyways.. At 3am I was still awake.. and I woke up at half past six, feeling bad, I was scared I got sick just before the travel. Luckily that feeling passed with a glass of water and with a couple more hours of sleep.

Now I should still check I've got everything I need, wouldn't be nice to forget something I absolutely can't survive without.. Like this laptop. xP

Now I'm off to Thailand.. I'll write also there.. Otherwise this blog makes no sense. :D

April 09, 2011

Nervous? Not really. :)

Sawadee Ka! It means "Hello" in Thai.

In my other blog I told I'm not going to turn it into a travel blog, so I decided to start another one.. So, here goes! As you could probably guess, I'm going to travel to Thailand. I'm leaving there tomorrow with my Mom.. She's kindly taking me there, because I finally (after 4 years) finished my high school. I think it's the last mother&daughter travel, because I'm already 20 and don't know where I'm going to be after this summer.. ^^

As I already told, I'm not nervous before the journey, but of course excited.. How often do you get a chance to go for a 17-days-travel in Thailand? Tomorrow at this time.. Well, I'll be still in the plane, because the travel lasts 11 hours.. How am I going to survive? I'm kidding.. I'm sure it's not too hard.. Or I hope so. :D

Of course I'm going to miss my family.. My friends I wouldn't meet anyways, or so I think, because they are all living so far.. Or at least almost all of them. However, I miss them too. And then, my boyfriend.. He doesn't live in Finland, so usually we can only meet online every evening, except when we're both having holidays and have a chance to meet for real. Anyways, he's the person I'm going to miss the most (no offence to others).. Because of the time difference and the fact that I don't know if there's wireless connection or not.. Anyways I'm taking my laptop with me, so I can try if it works.  :)

Soon I should go to sleep, or at least I should TRY to sleep, because tomorrow's going to be a long day.. I'll write more in Thailand. Comments are welcome. :D