April 11, 2011

Day One – Flying Vampires

Our plane
If you're reading this, I've probably got a chance to use the wireless connection of our hotel..
Of course I have, how else could I post this?

Well, first it seemed like there's no connection at all in our room.. or in our bungalow (cause that's what it is.) Then, when I had already lost my hope, we found a place to buy a card to use hotel's connection on my laptop.. Well, it's not free.  The longer you use it, the more you pay.. Of course. ^^

So, my plan is this: First I'm writing whatever I want to say, for example on Word.. And only after that I'll turn on the connection and copy-paste everything on the blog. :D

And why did I write ”flying vampires”? Because I woke up yesterday at 9am Finnish time.. Then waited at the airport till 14:45.. In a great lounge, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm completely gone.:D And  it took 10 hours to get here in Thailand.. Plus one hour and a half in a bus coming to the hotel.. And when we finally arrived, I noticed that my eyes were completely red (that's explains the word ”vampire”) and thought it will pass with couple of hours of sleep..

But I didn't have time for those hours of sleep, neither minutes. Instead we went to walk around, to greet the sun and swim a little bit.. Then we had just a little break in our room before walking to Khao Lak city center, which is about one kilometer from here.. And since it was one o'clock in the afternoon, it was probably the hottest time of the day..

In a way or another we finally arrived to the city center.. I was kind of starving and I thought we'd go for lunch.. But instead we went in some kind of Beauty Saloon and.. here's the result.. 

Who is who?:D
After that we finally headed to a restaurant to have fried noodles with chicken.. and a strawberry shake.:D

After lunch we almost ran back to our bungalow, because it was going to rain.. And when it rains, it REALLY rains. And because of thunder I couldn't use my laptop before.. Now it's barely evening and I think soon I'm going to sleep, even though I took a nap already.. I'm just so tired.:P

Ps: Also my number decided not to work here, so I can only use my other number.. and it's credit is about one euro or something.. Not going to send so many sms to my boyfriend with that, since one sms costs one euro. -.-

Pps: Means that I forgot to tell something else too.. Today I made a new friend.. His name is Mr.Gekko & he likes to spend time in our bathroom.:D 
Mr. Gekko, my new friend.x3

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